This graph is important to evaluate and understand with dealers spending more money today than ever before on search, search engine optimization and broad-based targeting.
If you look at the channel path, you will see that shoppers are finding your website anywhere from two to four times and they don’t always come from the same way twice.

I like to call this the “People Come to Your Website in Multiple Ways” premise.
The top sources of traffic show where someone may find you from an organic search the first time and get to you from a direct search the second time. Or they might come to you from a paid search the first time and then use organic to find you the second time. There are as many different ways to think about and create multiple path channels back to a dealerships website as you can dream of, but the bottom line of this whole premise is you have to look at everything that is driving traffic to your website as an effective tool that is creating countless opportunities.
A dealer told me the other day that he has 50,000 people visiting his site a month, but he doesn’t know if he’s throwing away money by trying to get so many, or if he should just make it an open door for everybody to find him. The last part of his sentence was correct. All 50,000 are not going to call, click or come in but the more opportunities that are presented then the more this dealer has a chance at customers coming back from another channel of search.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.