I am sure when Shania Twain recorded the song with the verse “dance with the one who brought you” she wasn’t thinking about the automotive industry. But in looking at the success our dealers had last year by mining their own customer base, the words of the song are gospel.
Two things stood out: 1. Existing customers stand as your best predisposed prospects, and the most affordable to reach; 2. If you do not already have a system to data track any customer who visits your dealership, start today.
The avenues of access for added sales and service revenue are endless – from a regular newsletter taking them inside the dealership to an e-blast inviting them to a preferred customer’s event only. Dance with the ones who got you where you are, because If you don’t there’s always someone looking for a new partner.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.