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Email Marketing Stats to Consider Moving Forward

Don’t underestimate the power of email marketing. Email marketing remains one of the most effective strategies in a world filled with webinars, video campaigns, and social media posts. The stats speak for themselves: 4 billion daily email users, with 37% of brands increasing their email budget. Don’t overlook this proven method of engaging and converting your audience.

Benefits By The Numbers

Thirty-one percent of marketers are taking advantage of the power of email marketing to drive their success, and here’s why:  

  • Four Billion Daily Users: Email currently sees double the amount of daily users that social media platforms such as Facebook (2.1 billion), giving email marketers a larger potential audience. Marketers are capitalizing on this massive reach, with over 347 billion emails being sent and received daily. 
  • Clickthrough Rate and Open Rate: According to the latest HubSpot Blog Research in 2023, most marketers report an average email open rate of 46-50% and an average email clickthrough rate of 2.6-3%. 
  • 99% of Users Check Email Daily: The power of email is undeniable, with 84.3% of consumers saying they check their emails at least once a day.  

Multimedia has proven pivotal in boosting email performance, with emails containing images and videos demonstrating the highest engagement.  

Dynamic content personalization has become the go-to tactic. Crafting irresistible email subject lines that stir curiosity, feature exclusive offers, and speak to individual passions is a surefire strategy that enables marketers to seize the opportunities of email marketing.

How AI Impacts Email Marketing

Now, let’s discuss AI’s game-changing impact on email marketing. According to HubSpot’s State of Generative AI in 2023, an astounding 95% of marketers who use generative AI for email creation rate it “effective,” with 54% rating it “very effective. “

Forty-three percent of marketers who use generative AI say it’s most helpful for creating emails, and 38% use AI to write emails. Also, 21% of sales professionals who use AI in their role say that it’s most helpful in writing messages to prospects. In comparison, 32% say it’s most useful for re-purposing messages by adapting them to a different audience

Quality over Quantity

It’s estimated that consumers spend an average of just nine seconds reading brand emails. That’s why it’s essential to make every email count. However, too many emails are the number one trigger for consumers to unsubscribe, so it’s essential to strike the right balance and provide valuable, relevant content.

Prioritizing accessibility can also help brands can also ensure that their emails are inclusive and engaging for all recipients. Descriptive subject lines and easy-to-use links and buttons are key for engagement.

Strong Automotive Can Help You Apply Your Email Knowledge

These data points help demonstrate the significant impact of investing more time and money into your email marketing strategy.

At Strong Automotive, we drive results through eCampaigns by delivering four targeted email broadcasts over two months to thousands of active web shoppers. Each prospect receives the email twice throughout the campaign, leading to a significant surge in website traffic. These emails are only sent to permission-based, double-opt-in records to ensure high deliverability.

Our campaign’s success is not just a shot in the dark—we measure it against our sales and traffic goals, which are closely monitored in real-time using Google Analytics.


by John Paul Strong

John Paul Strong

John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.

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