I get a daily e-newsletter about our industry, and today two articles reminded me of how important automotive intelligence always is. The comeback will happen, and when it does, the dealerships that stayed on top of their business during the lull will be first out of the gate.
In one article, DuPont delivered their annual Color Popularity Report. White and white pearl combined as the top color for the second year in a row; silver was second, with black and black effect next in line. It also mentioned consumers looking for differentiation with “tri-coat effects”. My thought – even when it’s tough to order more inventory at this time, make sure you order correctly for your market.
The other story was an overview of wholesale values with Ricky Beggs, Vice President and Managing Editor of Black Book. Two comments by Beggs stood out: He said, “It’s not a spring market yet,” but added, “a few vehicles are seeing raised value” [trucks, in particular and to a certain extend SUVs – he attributed low gas prices as spurring renewed interest]. And Beggs closed by commenting, “It is December, but that doesn’t mean the market is going to stop. We look forward to seeing what happens this week.”
With the impending bailout vote, I am anxious to see how the buying market reacts. Just remember when they do, there are preferences particular to your area, i.e. most popular colors! And watch your inventory mix on the used lot – if something gets hot make sure you have it and tell your buyers about it.
Everybody loves a winner, but the winner who makes the big comeback is the one most respected. Keep on playing with your eyes open and heads up!
NOTE: You can read these articles in full at www.autoremarketing.com.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.