Google Insiders Reveal Online Strategies Essential to Automotive Dealers
When it comes time to purchase a car, 92 percent of buyers will research online. Since Google is the number-one search engine, it’s essential that your digital presence be optimized to the fullest. This approach can be summed up in three key phrases: show up, wise up, speed up.
Show Up
If you’ve heard about Google My Business, it’s for a good reason. Claiming and completing your business listing has enormous benefits for automotive dealers.
Google’s research shows that businesses who complete these listings are twice as likely to be considered reputable, 38 percent more likely to attract location visits, and 29 percent more likely to lead to a sale. Plus, completed business listings receive an average of 7x more clicks than their empty counterparts.
It’s also important to make sure that your Google Search ads show up 9 out of 10 times for search terms that are important to your brand. To check up on this, use Google’s Ad Preview Tool.
Wise Up
Traditionally, lead forms have been the go-to for dealers looking to track online marketing results. But Google Surveys found in 2016 that only 26 percent of people who have bought a car in the past six months actually submitted a lead form.
With this in mind, it’s important to use other metrics to track how well your digital marketing is performing. Consider things like phone calls, time on site, chats, text messages, test drive appointments, and “get directions” requests as well.
Once you identify your most valuable customers, target them specifically with Google Audiences. This will ensure you’re only spending money on your most receptive audiences.
Speed Up
Mobile traffic is replacing desktop traffic at a steady pace. While this means customers can access your information on the go, it also means that they need it to be quick and efficient.
Speed matters. When it comes to mobile sites, 53 percent of consumers will abandon the site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Simplicity is just as important. A whopping 97 percent of shoppers will leave your mobile site if there are too many form fields, so narrow it down to the essential.
More from Google
We were thrilled to host the inaugural Strong Digital Summit at two of Google’s locations – New York and Austin headquarters this past April. For a full recap of the inside information covered during the summit, visit us online at strongautomotive.com and request a brochure.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.