Automotive Advertising
How much added value are you asking for from your media companies and how much are they giving you? You need to audit your buy and demand a bonus spot report showing the lengths of spots and time period in which they ran once a month is over and a media buy is complete.
If you don’t ask, you may never receive. Commit to long-term money and you can get long-term value crammed into a very short window. How would you feel about over 5000 Cable Spot in a month and 203 Network TV spots? Well one of Strong’sdealers got this many in the month of March and didn’t even spend 6 figures in media money to get them. Better yet, unlike Stewart Houser – my spots actually ran. They didn’t get placed on a buy and factored in to a buy summary to make the reach and frequency report look better.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.