I really don’t know, nor could anybody probably explain to me, why all dealership employees (sales/service/office personnel) are not required to have email signatures. I visited a client today that between their two locations employees over 400 people. This includes all front end, service, office and collision center staff. While discussing how we are going to recruit and hire more sales people to meet the increasing market it was suggested to add a line in everyone’s email signature that says “we are hiring… tell your friends & family that may be looking for a career.”
It was acknowledged that this was a great idea, but when asked how many people had email signatures – everybody in the room looked at each other… The answer? There was no system or structure in place where this dealership required their staff to have one.
What needs to happen? Every employee of every department (anyone with an email address) should be required to have a dealership approved email signature. It should include (but not be limited to) dealership logo, phone number, URL, direct line, social media links, link to Google maps, and most importantly… any advertising or promotional tag line.
It is one of the easiest things in the world to set up… So easy that any car salesman should be able to do it, but few make the time and effort.
Food for thought – Emails are another form of impressions… They are Free Impressions and you should use them.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.