We run at a hectic pace, but I am putting this message up as a reminder and a heart-felt thank you. Sunday is Mother’s Day – so if you haven’t done something special yet, as we say in our business “Open Late ‘til the last customer is served.” When I think of my mom the words that quickly come to mind are caring, loyal, patient, mentoring – the fact is words hardly seem sufficient for all she has done much less put up with. So Mom, Happy Mother’s Day and I will be the first to admit I couldn’t have done it without you.
That closing phrase, “couldn’t have done it without you”, is very much on my mind when I think of special people like my mom and of course, the people I work with. A couple of days ago I was working late preparing to hit the road for dealership visits. The twilight coming through the windows was a sign the sun was down and 7 o’clock had come and gone. I took a quick trip through the office to see if anyone was still at their desk, and there were – including our newest intern. I tip my hat to the intern and whoever saw fit to bring them into the office. That kind of dedication on Day 1 is a bonus.
Moments later I was walking though the kitchen area and saw a poster on the wall. The header in bold print read “Volunteering with Strong”. Our staff is initiating a program to encourage employees to volunteer their time to two local charities – I tip my hat to our staff. And the quotation that was under the headline told it all: “Volunteers aren’t paid because their worthless, but because they are priceless!”
Priceless – that’s the word I’m closing on because Moms, hard-workers and caring people are exactly that. Take a moment to walk through your office, your showroom, the parts and service area and give your priceless people a word of thanks because there is no doubt, you wouldn’t be where you are without them.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.