In my travels to dozens of dealerships, I always pause turning into the driveway to take a look at the facility – the rows of inventory, the flags, the landscaping, and signage. The reason for this is a term that’s been around for a long time – “standing tall”. We are in a time when shoppers may visit only 1.8 dealerships before taking delivery, yes, delivery of a new or used vehicle. That first impression is extremely important. Before physically visiting your store, your customers will visit your digital dealership one or more times. Today it is even more important that your site is standing tall!
As owner or manager, you make the drive into your store and can assess the impression you make to a visitor. You can put your clean-up, fix-up team to work. Today, take the time to make a visit to your website as well as a competitor’s and view it as a shopper to determine what makes it appealing to you. Ask your Internet team to look at your site with the clean-up/fix-up mentality applied to the physical dealership. Here’s a check list that our Internet department uses to grade our clients’ as well as competitors’ sites:
1. Technical & Code Audit
2. Content Audit
3. User Experience & Navigation
4. Landing Pages & CTA
5. Local Citations & Listings
Attention to detail is what generates positive attention to your name on the store and on the website.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.