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Resolve to Evolve…in 25 Weeks

New Years Resolutions for 2015 - Strong Automotive

Happy New Year!  And time again if you are so inclined to make New Year Resolutions for personal improvement.  I recently read a definition that said New Year’s Resolutions were “a to-do list for the first week of January.”

Here is a 25 week plan presented by Earl Nightingale.  Who?  Earl was one of America’s most recognized motivational speakers and commentator on life in hundreds of radio programs.  A unique man, Earl was one of 12 surviving Marines aboard the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor; he was also the radio voice of “Sky King” over 50 years ago.

In one radio broadcast, Earl discussed the characteristics of creative people including Socrates, da Vinci, Einstein, etc.  He listed 25 characteristics and suggested writing each one on a card, arranging them in order from weakest to strongest, and for the next 25 weeks, focus on one characteristic for one week:

  1. Drive
  2. Courage
  3. Goals
  4. Knowledge (a thirst for more)
  5. Good health (physical and mental)
  6. Honesty/Integrity
  7. Optimism
  8. Judgment – gathering facts first and understanding them
  9. Enthusiasm
  10. Chance taker
  11. Dynamic – energetic
  12. Enterprising – opportunity seeker
  13. Persuasive
  14. Outgoing
  15. Good communicator – verbally skilled
  16. Perceptive
  17. Patient with others – impatient with self
  18. Adaptable
  19. Perfection – seeking highest quality from self
  20. Sense of humor
  21. Versatile
  22. Curious
  23. Individualistic – do it their own way
  24. Realist/Idealist – grounded in reality – driven by ideals
  25. Imaginative

In 25 weeks we will each be 25 weeks older. We can be just 25 weeks older or we can be 25 weeks older and a little better and wiser — now that’s a worthy resolution.  Keep you posted.

John Paul Strong

John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.

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