Email Marketing Campaigns Drive Traffic Through Mass-Market Saturation At A Low Cost To Dealers.
eCampaigns work by sending four email broadcasts over two months to thousands of active web shoppers, with each prospect receiving the email twice throughout the campaign.
The emails contain direct links to the website, generating a significant amount of traffic, and are only sent to permission-based, double-opt-in records to ensure delivery.
The campaign’s success is measured based on the selected level’s sales and traffic goals, which are continually tracked by Google Analytics in real time. If the goals are not met, the broadcasts continue until they are reached, providing measurable results for the campaign
Geofencing: A Free Add-On to Campaigns
Geofencing is a technical word for a simple concept: setting virtual areas and capturing prospect information within.
4 types of prospects are identified within our geofencing data:
- Geolocation Visitors – prospects who visited a dealer’s lot
- High-Intensity Web Shoppers – prospects who visited, Autotrader, or other automotive websites
- Likely to Buy over the next 6 months – prospects who are actively shopping for a vehicle but at a lower intensity
- In-market Shoppers – prospects who are identified as being in-market based on their responses to questionnaires, form submissions, and other markers.