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Stay Strong When Business Gets Rough

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Your ability to handle rejection and obstacles while selling in hard times really depends on your capacity to focus on the essential activities that help you stay in control. Here are three ways to deal with oncoming sales challenges and negative situations.

  • KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE – Re-establish your key sales goals, write them down and have them clearly in front of you every day.  Obstacles that are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.  A successful business person cited the only time people will fail is when they lose focus or take their eyes off the prize.
  • COMBINE DEEP LEARNING WITH QUALIFIED ACTIVITY – You have hear this before, more simply put – use the power of youth and enthusiasm / age and experience.  Learn about your customers, skills of your people, strategy and increase the value in what you are selling both to the customers and to your people. 
  • FALLING ISNT FAILING – AS LONG AS YOU DON’T FAIL TO GET BACK UP – The knowledge you gain from picking yourself back up is more valuable than the knowledge you get from being on top.  Trying a new strategy will create awareness in yourself of the ability to try and conquer a new strategy.

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John Paul Strong

John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.

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