2 Ways you can REDUCE your spending on “3rd party lead providers”
and INCREASE qualified web traffic:
1) In the real estate business you hear, “Location, Location, Location!” – in the dealership online traffic business you hear, “GOOGLE, GOOGLE, GOOGLE!” Take the money you are paying to AutoUSA or Autobytel and fire it right down the pipes of Google. You will see your paid search response and internet traffic increase. Ask anyone of Strong’s Dealersdoing SEM through Strong about the .85 – .90 Click-Thru Ratios they are getting.

2) Look at online buying sources – and the hot one of the week – zag.com. You pay them $299 a car and they send you as many leads as they can ANDyou only pay for the ones that you sell. Let’s do the math on that: Give your salespeople customers to work with, and only pay the lead provider IF you sell the car. Sounds Like a Winner.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.