Free Gas, Free Maintenance, etc.
‘Free’ is the greatest word in the history of advertising
closely followed by the word ‘new’.
If your service department is struggling and you find yourself comparing your price to the local no franchise competitors here is a way to make up some ground. Customer love Free Items – so give them some. Don’t just discount the service ticket amounts give them a gift. In New York try some Yankee tickets to the new stadium. In Florida try Sea World passes. In Texas giveaway NBA tickets, just give them some compelling benefit to come to your store rather than a non-franchise dealers.
You can fight over and over with your service manager about how you are taking all his gross away by running big discounts or you can take his money from a fund he doesn’t see.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.