Mike Strong reminded a lot of dealers around the country that people like to do business where business is being done. He says that nobody likes to get out of his or her car on a lot that has no other customers and he is right.
Activity Breeds Activity.

The latest mission that Strong has embarked on during this challenging market is helping dealers motivate their sales staff by “dressing for success” and I don’t mean coordinating uniforms or shirt colors. The day has come to bring out the banners, make the front lawn look as if there is something special or outside the ordinary going on. The day has come to plaster posters on the inside glass of the showroom and the managers offices. The day has come to put up table tents, multi colored balloons, neon signs and cash machines in dealerships.
Some of you reading right now may think this sounds too much like the wild west days of the 80’s when donkeys jumped off high dives, (thanks again for that one tooMike). But the truth of the matter is if you can make your sales people believe they are going to sell a few more cars this month because there is something “really big” going on, they probably will and this will make you more money.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.