Strong Automotive Merchandising is continuously looking for new tools to reach potential customers through digital outlets. Our goal is to find innovative ways of showcasing your vehicles and offers to customers to increase brand recognition and traffic to your site. Google gave us a brand-new way to do that this week.
The Game Changer: Google Price Extensions
You may know that Price Extensions were added to the Google Adwords library last year.
The addition of Price Extensions allowed any retail establishment – online or off – to show their latest product offers in their paid search ads. For instance, Strong Automotive Merchandising used them to showcase the latest lease offers on various vehicles. For example:

The Curve Ball: Only for Mobile and Those in the Lead
Cool, right? Strong Automotive Merchandising saw significant improvement in our client Paid Search traffic and leads as we tested and implemented the new Price Extensions. The only downfall was that these Price Extensions were only eligible to be shown on Mobile Devices. You were also only eligible to show Price Extension if you won the bottle of the 1st Paid Search ad position.
The Home Run: We’ve Scored Desktop
The game changed this week when Price Extensions rolled out for desktop searches. Now our Price Extensions can reach any customer wherever they search on Google, regardless of the device. These Price Extensions are still new and have not truly been utilized across the Automotive Industry. Their unique style will help your ads stand out from a crowded and competitive field on mobile devices and desktops searches!

Since Strong Automotive Merchandising is a Premier Google Partner, we are ahead of the game in rolling out these Price Extensions for clients. With this crossover to Desktop, we are excited to see how our Paid Search efforts flourish for our clients. We project that we will see a Grand Slam- an increase of clicks, website traffic, and leads.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.