GUESS WHAT – Somebody with a greater online presence for car shoppers already does and you may not be taking advantage of it.
Every dealer that I have worked with and evaluated their website has one thing in common, more direct traffic to their pre-owned search pages than they ever imagined. It is true that your website will attract just as many PRE-OWNED intenders as it will NEW CAR intenders. Online used car shoppers are shopping for something special – the exact vehicle that they picture in their mind as “the perfect used car.” They are shopping based on the some of the following key items and probably in this order PRICE, MILEAGE, COLOR, CONDITION,& FEATURES – but what if there are no compelling features or no differentiating benefit to your vehicle from someone else’s? What happens if you don’t differentiate your vehicle when the customer is on your lot? You know the answer: they will walk. And unlike a customer that you see who walks off your lot, you never know if this customer is on your website unless you are pulling very detailed traffic reports.
Here is the simple fix – make the person managing your used cars and updating your inventory understand that there is unlimited space(and there is zero cost) in putting every single option from “power steering” to “AM/FM/CD Player” to “Reinforced Steel Safety Cage” on your used cars housed on your website. Every feature can become a benefit to the online used car shopper. Make sure the description and details about your Used Cars are not blank – otherwise your submitted used car leads may be blank as well.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.