Although opinions vary on when the best time is to buy a vehicle, I think the consensus is during year-end sales. Consider this; it’s one of the rare times the factory allows you to use words like clearance, lowest prices of the year, best time to buy, etc. In fact, we have trained our market to believe this, and measured by their response this kind of advertising works. So spread the word!
In our planning for year-end promotion no stone is left unturned. Many regions have gotten the green light to already launch the big event and when you are in this position you need to play it up to the max! From desk-toppers to home page graphics, from TV to eblasts to sales event artwork on every new vehicle you have on your website. You must make sure your “Don’t Miss Event” is seen by everyone from your oldest to newest customer.
There is a reason you are seeing more factories come back in 2013 with the same theme advertised in prior years, some for decades. These themes are memorable and stand alone in creating a sense of excitement for shoppers. Capitalize on it every chance you can, everywhere you can, as soon as you can.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.