Ten years ago, John Paul Strong sat down to pen the very first words of Next Day Traffic.
It was Oct. 14, 2008, and the market wasn’t doing too hot. John Paul presented a real-life example to auto dealers of how short-term loss can lead to long-term gains when you spend with skill. Aggressiveness vs. Effectiveness was published, and Next Day Traffic was born.
Ten is a special number at Strong Automotive Merchandising. Each year, we have an exclusive event for team members who have been with us for 10 or more years. Membership represents what we call the Perfect 10 club. Now, Next Day Traffic is our newest inductee, with nearly 400,000 page views earned since its inception.
To celebrate, we are reviewing some of the blog’s most popular posts over the decades and examining what drove our readers to these topics.
Best-in-Class Blogs
Strong Provides the Definitive Guide

Of the most popular posts of the decade, there was one that rose above the rest. The Conquest Marketing Guide, published in March of 2016, has been viewed nearly three times as much as the ensuing top posts.
It’s clear why readers found value in this post. Written by our digital director and chief marketing officer Gayle Rogers, the post remains a go-to guide for reaching new automotive customers through marketing and advertising, even two years after its publishing. From infographics to practical tactics that readers can implement immediately, this post set the standard for conquest marketing guides.
Product Comparisons

A relatively recent post that gained a record number of reads was our Nov. 2017 write-up on Nielsen vs. comScore media measurement. At the time, this was breaking news. Few, if any, comparisons like this existed online. We examined comScore’s entry into the media measurement market and the positive effects this new competition could have on a sector previously dominated by Nielsen exclusively. Staying ahead of trends and producing these kinds of comparisons is important for our readers and is an area we focus on when curating content.
Sharing a Little Wisdom

Another post that makes our top-performers list comes from the 2014 Friday Words of Wisdom series. The post is simple, stripped of all superfluity. It is comprised only of an image and a quote: “Someone once told me not to bite off more than I could chew. I told them I would rather choke on greatness than nibble on mediocrity,” -Unknown.
It doesn’t require more explanation than that. Sometimes, stripping a message down to its bare bones removes the temptation to convolute and invites our readers to interpret the meaning as they see it in their own lives.
A Word from John Paul Strong
To celebrate, John Paul has recorded a special message recognizing the past, present, and future of Next Day Traffic. Please take a moment to watch as we look to the horizon for what Next Day Traffic will hold.
by Luke Thomas
Luke Thomas
Luke Thomas is the Director of Public Relations & Recruiting for Strong Automotive Merchandising.