What I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is how the art of selling a car has been lost. It used to be that selling a car, especially a used car, involved telling a story about the vehicle. The salesperson would share details about the previous owner, the mileage, the history, the maintenance, and anything else that would make the car more attractive to the buyer. Even for a new car, there was a story to tell about the year, the trim level, the warranty, the features, the power, and the safety of the car. The salesperson would build value and emotion around the car they were selling.
But now, things have changed. I’ve been in a lot of dealerships over the past few weeks, and I’ve heard salespeople speaking with customers. It made me realize that we have really lost the art of the sale. It’s more common to simply show the car as it is, and act like you don’t mind if the buyer takes it or leaves it. There’s not the same attempt at creating value or rapport with the buyer. There’s not value being built into why this car is an excellent car based on how it was built and maintained, or the quality of the parts.
I truly believe that we have to reeducate the automotive sales force about the art of selling a car. Every car has a story, and every buyer wants to hear it. Whether it’s a used car or a new car, there is always something to say that will make the car more appealing and memorable.
So, if you are in the automotive sales industry, or if you want to be, I encourage you to learn how to sell a car with a story. It will make your work more fun, your customers more happy, and your sales more successful.
John Paul Strong
John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.