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How To Schedule Content So You’re Always Posting

Young man using smart phone,Social media concept.

Social media can yield big results for your business. How big? Well, recent statistics from We Are Social show that there are approximately 3.5 billion social media users today – that’s 45 percent of the population. So, in the right hands, with smart strategies at work, social media marketing is a potential goldmine for your business.

Posting the right social media content at the right time is key to getting your customers’ attention fast. But you can’t sit next to your computer 24/7, fingers poised and waiting for the perfect combination of audience presence and relevant information to materialize out of thin air.

…or can you?

The truth is, you don’t have to. Instead, you can have your perfect posts researched, written, and ready to go at exactly the right time – all without doing a thing other than planning ahead.

This type of pseudo-magic is known as content scheduling. Not only does it save you from the potential burnout of manually posting all the time, but it also allows you to free up time to better research your content and make sure it’s just the thing that’s going to grab your audience and inspire engagement.

The Right Content, Right Now

Knowing when your target audience is online and ripe for the targeting is crucial to a successful content scheduling plan. As they sit and scan their Twitter stream or Facebook feed, your carefully selected, fresh and savvy post will be among the messages vying for their attention. And because that content has been so thoughtfully crafted, you’ve got a great chance at hooking them.

There are several tools that can help you schedule social media posts. One way is to use the social platform directly. Facebook allows you to schedule posts on your business page for up to six months in the future. WordPress has a similar feature – if you are running a blog in conjunction with your social strategy (here’s why you should).

If you want to use third-party software, consider an industry vetted program like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or HubSpot to schedule across multiple social media platforms.

Your evergreen content can be scheduled as far in advance as you like, while you remain ready to drop in of-the-moment events and trending topics at any given time. With the bulk of your content already ready to go, you’ll have plenty of time to tackle the occasional time-sensitive post.

Engaging with Your Audience

According to a recent survey, 71% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend the brand to their friends and family.

Once you’ve taken manual, on-the-spot social media posting out of the equation, you free up a lot of time and energy. This time and energy can be better spent actually engaging with those same customers your scheduled posts targeted. You’ll be able to connect directly with people who are interested in your dealership and your services, answer their questions, and promote your business as one that is actively attuned to their needs. After all – you’re responding to them in real-time!

Get to Scheduling

Use a simple content scheduling plan to free up your valuable time to make a deeper connection with your customers and potential customers. You may not actually be sitting at your computer waiting to post the best content at the best time – but we won’t tell if you don’t.

STRONG Digital Marketing Summit - Toyota


by John Paul Strong

John Paul Strong

John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.

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